As part of the launch of its new smartphone, the ZenFone 2, Asus gave itself a new objective: to target a younger and more urban demographic. This new “lifestyle” positioning needed to be reflected in the ZenUi user interface. Developed by Asus, this interface gives the Zenfone 2 a fluidity as well as a high-spec quality. Producing tutorials that are both informative and practical? Brainsonic was up to the challenge!

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From pulling off a panoramic selfie to taking good photos in low light and using one phone for both personal and professional activity, ZenUi Tips presents the functionalities of the new ZenUi interface during relatable video tutorials that draw on every day activity and contemporary user behavior. The series is made up of ten videos, which give prominence to the slim design and fluid user experience of the ZenFone 2. It just goes to show that a high-spec smartphone at an affordable price does exist!

What about you? Do you have the ZenUi attitude? Watch all the ZenUi Tips on the Asus France Facebook page, as well as on the YouTube channel.